
I'm Shreevardhan T V, and this is my personal website.
I like to code and make random stuff, which you can find here
I'm currently studying CS AI&ML at SCTCE

[ Github ] [ Blog ] [ Gallery ]


Keam score calculator https://keam.netlify.app Users can copy paste their response sheet from KEAM student portal, and the website will automatically calculate their score using a Python-based backend.
drift.io leaderboard scraper github.com/trimpta/driftioscraper Scrapes drift.io leaderboard with their public api and generates a local copy, and provides features to interact with the local copy
Pixel Dust github.com/trimpta/pixel-dust Simple cellular atomata type sand simulation with accelerometer input Try it!(Only mobile phones)
File Folderizer 3000 github.com/trimpta/file-folderizer-3000 Simple python script to make downloads folder cleaner.
Gravity simulation github.com/trimpta/gravity- Gravity simulation in pygame. I like to play with balls, so I made this
whitebord github.com/trimpta/pygamdraw Collaborative online whiteboard using pygame and socket
Rotating cube!!! squaresquared.netlify.app literally just a rotating cube
Cute kittens :3
Just cute kittens, I promise


email hi[at]shreevardhan[dot]net
discord @trimpta
telegram @trimpta